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Siberian electronic mathematical reports
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Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 21, No. 2, 2024
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 21, No. 2, 2024
Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
On extensions of minimal logic with linearity axiom
Сергей Павлович Одинцов, Дмитрий Анищенко
Length of the group algebra of the direct product of a cyclic group and an elementary abelian p-group in the modular case
Михаил Хрыстик
On the number of countable models of constant and unary predicates expansions of the dense meet-tree theory
Viktor Verbovskiy
Spherically orderable groups
Сергей Владимирович Судоплатов
Transposed Poisson structures on the extended Schrodinger-Virasoro and the original deformative Schrodinger-Virasoro algebras
Zarina Shermatova
A proof for a part of noncrossed product theorem
A proof for a part of noncrossed product theorem
Mehran Motiee
Computable Functionals of Finite Types in Montague Semantics
Алексей Ильич Стукачёв
Мульти-агентные логики с взаимодействием, унифицируемость и проективность
Владимир Владимирович Рыбаков
On definable sets in some definably complete locally o-minimal structures
Mourad Berraho
Searching for groups related to pseudo-composition algebras
Vsevolod A. Afanasev
On the complexity of the lattice of quasivarieties of nilpotent groups
Alexandr Budkin, Svetlana Shakhova
Chainable sets of nonnegative matrices
Chainable sets of nonnegative matrices
Александр Эмилевич Гутерман, Yu.A. Alpin, E. R. Shafeev
Strong conservativity and completeness for fragments of infinitary action logic
Степан Львович Кузнецов
On some types of algebras of a Jonsson spectrum
Professor Yeshkeyev Aibat Rafhatuly, Indira Tungushbayeva, Professor Yeshkeyev Aibat Rafhatuly
Constructing segments of quadratic length in $Spec(T_n)$ through segments of linear length
Артём Кравчук
On 3-generated 6-transposition groups
Vsevolod A. Afanasev, Andrey Mamontov
Automorphisms of some cyclic extensions of free groups of rank three
Елизавета Шапорина
Computational mathematics
Numerical study of the effect of the free surface on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the model and full-scale marine propeller
Ксения Плыгунова
Impact of the dislocation density on the transient photoluminescence intensity in GaN semiconductor.
Карл Сабельфельд
Temporal Localization of Moving Sources in Homogeneous Media using the Time Reversal Mirror
Temporal Localization of Moving Sources
Галина Решетова
A nonlinear Input-Output model with capacitiy constraints
Nataliia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin
Zadorin A.I. Approximation of a function by polynomials in the presence of a region of large gradients
Alexander Zadorin
Acceleration of CFD simulation preparation by surface mesh simplification in LOGOS software package
Елена Евстифеева
Cluster analysis of large-scale hydrodynamic characteristics of the Arctic seas based on the results of eddy-permitting modeling
Геннадий Платов, Elena Golubeva
Modeling the influence of electric load curve indicators on storage system capacity in hybrid power system
Aleksey Loskutov, Ivan Lipuzhin, Andrey Shalukho
A locally one-dimensional scheme for the moisture transfer equation with a nonlocal source
Alexander Bazzaev
Hp-version of the least-squares collocation method with Gaussian point
LSCM with Gaussian points
Bryndin Luka, Beliaev Vasilii
Modification of the IDW method for numerical simulation of aerodynamics problems on large grids
Andrey Kozelkov , Алексей Саразов
Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics
Generalized heavy-tailed mutation for evolutionary algorithms
Антон Еремеев, Valentin Topchii
Parametric closed sets of multioperations on two-element set
Леонид Рябец, Vladimir Panteleev
Upper bound procedure for dynamic competitive facility location problem with profit targeting
Andrey Melnikov, Vladimir Beresnev
On the characteristic property of one class of normalized formulas calculating linear Boolean functions
Константин Рычков
On the number of partitions of the hypercube ${\bf Z}_q^n$ into large subcubes
Юрий Таранников
Tatiana Fedoryaeva
On the nonlinear codes, obtained from the Hamming code by switchings of ijk-components, as partially robust codes
Darya Sikerina
Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control
Equilibrium problem for a Kirchhoff-Love plate contacting with the lateral surface along a strip of a given width
Нюргун Лазарев
Homogenization of the static anti-plane shear model for the reinforced composite
Эвелина Леонова
Spectrum of a linear problem about the MHD flows of a polymeric fluid in a cylindrical channel in case of an absolute conductivity (generalized Vinogradov-Pokrovski model)
Дмитрий Ткачев
On the approximation of the solution of transport-diffusion equation with a non-constant coefficient of diffusion
Hisao Fujita Yashima
Numerical modeling of the epidemic process taking into account time- and place-local contacts of individuals
Николай Перцев, Loginov Konstantin Konstantinovich
Multistability and dynamic scenarios in the prey--predator--superpredator model
Ahmad Almasri, Vyacheslav Tsybulin
Обратная задача о хаотичной динамике полимерной молекулы
Victor Starovoitov
Minimal deformations of semihomogenous vector fields
Ivan Proskurin
Theorem on the existence of two-point oscillatory solutions to a relay perturbed system with a negative eigenvalue of the matrix
Виктория Евстафьева
Павел Плотников
Input reconstruction problem for a nonlinear system of differential equations: the case of incomplete measurements
Valeriy Rozenberg
On rigid inclusions and cavities in elastic body with a crack: non-coercive case
Alexandr Khludnev
Real, complex and functional analysis
On a generalization of the Binet formula
Вячеслав Кузоватов, Александр Кытманов
On the boundedness in $C_0(\Omega_\delta)$ of the de la Vall\'ee Poussin means for the Fourier--Meixner sums
Рамис Гаджимирзаев
On the weighted generalized H\"older property of a hypersingular integral on a metric space
Юрий Дроботов
The New generalized weighted fractional variants of Hermite-Hadamard inequalities with applications
Weighted fractional variants of Hadamard inequalities
Juan Eduardo Napoles, Bahtiyar Bayraktar, Saad Ihsan Butt
Sequential Labyrinth Fractals
Harsha Gopalakrishnan, Srijanani Anurag Prasad
Numerical radii inequalities for certain operator sums
Ali Farokhinia
Hermite Expansions of C−regularized cosine Functions
Abdelkhalek El amrani, Rachid Ameziane Hassani, Aziz Blali, Youssef Bajjou
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Предельная теорема для числа пересечений полосы процессом Леви с малым сносом
Vladimir Lotov
On the existence of stationary sequences of $M$-dependent random variables with specified covariances
Игорь Борисов
On the accuracy of the uniform approximation of universal local constant kernel estimators for smooth regression functions
Юлиана Линке
On the asymptotics of Rosenblatt-type transform
Евгений Савинов
Note on normal approximation for number of triangles in heterogeneous Erdős-Rényi graph
Artem, Anatolii Mogulskii, Anatolii Yambartsev
О переходных явлениях в одной граничной задаче для случайных блужданий
Vladimir Lotov
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