Формула максимально возможного ранга коммутантов конечных $p$-групп

О максимальном ранге коммутантов конечных p-групп


  • Veretennikov Boiris


finite $p$-group generated by elements of orders $p^{k_1},\dots,p^{k_n}$, number of generators of commutator subgroup of a finite $p$-group, definition of a group by means of generators and defining relations


The formula of maximal possible rank of commutator subgroups of finite $p$-groups

All groups in the abstract are finite. We define rank $d(G)$ of a $p$-group $G$
as the minimal number of generators of $G$.
In this paper, we obtain a compact formula for the strict upper bound of the ranks of commutator subgroups of
finite $p$-groups generated by elements of given orders. This bound was described in a recent article of the author.
But the corresponding formula was very complicated although containing some useful information. The new formula
is much more simple and clear.





Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory