On radius and typical properties of n-vertex graphs of given diameter


  • Tatiana Fedoryaeva Sobolev Institute of Mathematics


graph, diameter, diametral vertices, radius, metric ball and sphere, typical graphs, almost all graphs.


A property of graphs from a class under consideration is  typical if almost all graphs from this class have the given property. Typical properties of the class of n-vertex graphs of a fixed diameter k are studied. A family of embedded classes of typical $n$-vertex graphs of a given diameter $k\geq 3$, which possess a number of established metric properties, is constructed. Based on the typical properties of metric balls contained in the graph, the radius of almost all n-vertex graphs from the investigated classes is found. It is proved that for every fixed integer $k\geq 3$ almost all n-vertex graphs of diameter k have radius $\lceil\frac{k}{2}\rceil$, while the radius of almost all graphs of diameter k=1,2 is equal to the diameter. All found typical properties of n-vertex graphs of a fixed diameter $k\geq 2$ are also typical for connected graphs of diameter at least k, as well as for graphs (not necessarily connected) containing the shortest path of length at least k.






Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics