Multiscale analysis of a model problem of a thermoelastic body with thin inclusions


  • Sergey Sergey Alexandrovich Sazhenkov Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk State University
  • Irina Fankina Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
  • Alexey Furtsev Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
  • Pavel Gilev Altai State University
  • Arseniy Gorynin Novosibirsk State University
  • Olga Gorynina Ecole Des Pontes et Chaussees (France)
  • Vyacheslav Karnaev Novosibirsk State University
  • Evelina Leonova Altai State University


linear thermoelasticity, composite material, thin inclusion, homogenization, two-scale convergence, generalized solution, numerical experiment.


A model statical problem for a thermoelastic body with thin inclusions is studied. This problem incorporates two small positive parameters $\delta$ and $\varepsilon$, which describe the thickness of an individual inclusion and the distance between two neighboring inclusions, respectively. Relying on the variational formulation of the problem, by means of the modern methods of asymptotic analysis, we investigate the behavior of solutions as $\delta$ and $\varepsilon$ tend to zero. As the result, we construct two models correspond\-ing to the limiting cases. At first, as $\delta \to 0$, we derive a limiting model in which inclusions are thin (of zero diameter). Then, from this limiting model, as $\varepsilon \to 0$, we derive a homogenized model, which describes effective behavior on the macroscopic scale, i.e., on the scale where there is no need to take into account each individual inclusion. The limiting passage as $\varepsilon \to 0$ is based on the use of homogenization theory. The final section of the article presents a series of numerical experiments for the established limiting models.






Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control